BlurtMime: Articulatory Phonetics using hidden Markov Processes
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5 syllable name: [ bilab-plsiv cntl-nopn ldntl-nasal dentl-nasal ] [ alvlr-plsiv plato-frica cntl-mopn rtflx-aprox ] [ platl-lfric nback-nopn velar-laprx platl-lflap ] [ rtflx-laprx back-opn plato-lfric alvlr-aprox ] [ plato-aprox rtflx-aprox back-opn platl-aprox ]

IPA symbology: bæɱn̪ t̪ʃɛɻ ʎ̥ɐʟʎ̯ ɭɒɮɹ ɹɻɑj

consonant stochastic finite state machine:
0.127 0.148 0.136 0.589 newpoint
0.024 0.021 0.019 0.936 newdirection
0.027 0.032 0.031 0.909 reverse
0.032 0.056 0.052 0.860 step
vowel stochastic finite state machine:
0.082 0.120 0.098 0.700 newpoint
0.031 0.035 0.048 0.885 newdirection
0.021 0.028 0.029 0.921 reverse
0.140 0.199 0.144 0.517 step
consonant process: [ step ] [ newpoint ] [ step ] [ step ] [ reverse ] [ step ] [ step ] [ step ] [newdirection reverse ] [ step ] [ step ] [ reverse ] [ step ] [ step ] [ step ]

vowel process: [ newpoint ] [ step ] [ step ] [ step ] [ step ]

consonant productions: [ bilab-plsiv ] [ ldntl-nasal ] [ dentl-nasal ] [ alvlr-plsiv ] [ plato-frica ] [ rtflx-aprox ] [ platl-lfric ] [ velar-laprx ] [ skip platl-lflap ] [ rtflx-laprx ] [ plato-lfric ] [ alvlr-aprox ] [ plato-aprox ] [ rtflx-aprox ] [ platl-aprox ]

vowel productions: [ cntl-nopn ] [ cntl-mopn ] [ nback-nopn ] [ back-opn ] [ back-opn ]

syllables: [ consonant vowel consonant consonant ] [ consonant consonant vowel consonant ] [ consonant vowel consonant consonant ] [ consonant vowel consonant consonant ] [ consonant consonant vowel consonant ] <--- with cool animations
Cool images of Lindenmayer Systems

I am neither a papered linguist nor a papered mathematician.
Reach me by gmail as orthopteroid